Scene Study
McCadden Place Theatre
1157 N McCadden Pl, Los Angeles90038
Tuesday's 7-10 pm
9/3-10/1 (no class 9/24)
This class is not for beginners. It's an intense, directed, on-going scene study class in a working theater environment. From Shakespeare to emerging new playwrights, we use the best material possible to push the actor and create a richer level of storytelling. The sole purpose of this class is to get the actor to function from a deeper emotional truth.
You will be given a scene from a play and assigned a partner. Long scenes are encouraged as we strive to create and sustain the life of the character over an extended period of time. You are expected to know your lines and come to class having made choices. The goal of this class is to use great plays as a device to uncover the obstacles to your creative growth. It's not a contest to see who can do the best scene, but rather an emotional exploration of the character and a deepening of your understanding of your own process.
* Only ten actors will be admitted at a time. Actors will be considered based on an interview and or reel submission. Auditors must register in order to attend.